August 21, 2008
August 20, 2008
What Do They See in Eachother? Older Women & Younger Men
Watch the video below to see the following questions answered:
Why would a man want to date an older woman?
What are the advantages of dating younger men?
Why do relationships with younger men work so well?
Is the generation gap ever too big when dating younger men?
How is dating younger men different from dating older men?
VideoJug: Dating Younger Men: Why And How
August 19, 2008
Older Woman / Younger Man Film Review - All That Heaven Allows

Sirk tries to capture the tensions of real everyday living in his representation of a lonely elegant widow steeped in a snobbish society... Jane Wyman is (Cary Scott), an attractive middle-aged mother who is having difficulty in adjusting to her status...
She lives in comfortable circumstances in a handsome house, but her character is more concerned with maintaining a veneer of social respectability than with addressing reality... Sirk turns a conventional love story, between Cary and her younger gardener Ron Kirby (Rock Hudson) into a study of the fall of American idealism and innocence, and lush images of nature contrasting with claustrophobic, petty-minded snobbery of a country-club set... Ron prefers to grow plants in his nursery near an old mill, and lives life according to his own rules - which do not comprise cocktail parties, gossip, and superficial camaraderie... He is obviously handsome, and Cary gives herself numerous reasons why she should not encourage him...
The difference in their respective ages being, in her view, the most salient of all... But Ron keeps returning, it is obvious he is attracted to her... But as their romance deepens, so does the widow's dilemma... The family, so often glamorized by Hollywood, is regarded as selfish and inhibiting, with the widow's teenage children horrified at the idea of another man tainting their dead father's sacred memory...
So Cary retreats, and decides to walk away from a love that promises the chance to rediscover her own passion in his sensual embrace... Sirk does interesting things with reflections, most notable the sight of Wyman reflected in the screen of a television set that her son and daughter buy her in Christmas to keep her company...
Staring deeply into its surface, deep sadness closed her heart as she wanted to escape the pain of her mistake... Her physician (Hayden Rorke), whom she consults on her miserable headaches, tells her that there is absolutely nothing wrong with her, that she must stop living by the opinions, the smiles and frowns of others...
Wyman convincingly gives the impression of a woman torn between the fires of her own heart and her devotion to her family and friends... She and Hudson have a good chemistry together, and obviously the film, exquisitely photographed in Technicolor, carries off its intended effect perfectly...
All That Heaven Allows offers a thoughtful story of social restrictions that might hamper the development of human beings and it does so with a brilliant cinematic experience.
Seven Signs of a Cougar Woman
1. Unconditionally love yourself and feel your personal best!
2. Fully embrace your femininity and sexuality!
3. Be adventurous and have more fun!
4. Discover your passion and reach out for your dream!
5. Soar... build a successful business, advance professionally, achieve financial independence!
6. Be bold enough to show up, speak up, stand up and stand out!
7. Share your story, knowledge or expertise with others!

Cougar Women are Women in Power and Strength
Good Morning Cougar Ladies,
It is not fun to be a down and out kitty who does not have the financial means to enjoy all of the comforts of life - which assist in making you shine and doing fun things like taking complete control of an entire room in three minutes.
If you cannot even captivate your audience, why try to call yourself a Cougar?
To be a Cougar, you are not just an older woman looking for a younger man..
No, you are so much more. Do not allow the limited labels to "name" you, for you are nameless, really... You are too much to fit into one name. You are full and you are whole, you are happy and you are vibrant. You emit strength, confidence, power; your feminine power which is made up of all of your talent, all of your beauty - shining from the inside, glowing on the outside...
A true Cougar has an unlimited ABUNDANCE of self confidence, and she knows how to get what she wants. Her life is in order, because she would not have it any other way. She RULES her territory, and that takes belief in oneself... And the cub? Well, he just adores her.
What younger man would not be completely mystified and seduced by such an incredible older woman? Mmmm, I am purring just thinking of how my cub made me feel when the things such as how I run by business, or filling out documents, or speaking to clients on the phone would arouse him... Nice, isn't it.
If you are not quite there yet, I'd recommend reading the article below and clicking here to learn more.
Good luck ladies - remember, the work you do on yourself, is never, ever wasted. It is the ultimate investment you can make, a deposit in the universal bank of YOU.
Trust and love yourself enough to make a deposit each and every day.
Your life will change for the better, and all of those adorable man cubs will curl up at your feet!
Laying the Groundwork For Manifestation: Success Through Your Spirit Exercise
Let's begin this powerful exercise by selecting the positive beliefs that will transform your feelings and your experience. As we do this, we are laying the groundwork for the miracle of manifestation.
A wonderful mentor of mine says that you always have a greater sense of what you do want, when you are experiencing what you don't want.
So, rather than looking to the outside and trying to change circumstances from the outside, you need to look within and say:
"Ok, I am clear on what I DON'T want in this situation?
Then, ... "How DON'T I want to feel?"
After you have allowed yourself to surface that up, then turn it around and describe in your notebook what you DO want and how you WANT to feel.
For example, say you are not making enough money, people are telling you the economy is bad and they can't afford to pay you. How does that feel? Yuck!!
Ok, so let's get clear on what you DON'T want and how you DON'T want to feel:
- I don't want to be broke.
- I don't want to feel like I have to struggle
- I don't want to go get a job
- I don't want to argue with my spouse about money
- I don't want to feel pressured to make money
- I don't want to feel desperate about money
- I don't want to feel like I am not a good business person
Really get it all out!
Now let's turn this around.
Here is an example:
- I easily attract my ideal clients who pay me at least $300 an hour joyfully! I feel so happy, so excited!
- I joyfully create the best marketing actions that attract the most amazing clients. I feel in total connection with them now and they find me in amazing ways.
- My husband and I have harmony about money--we easily create significant income that meets all our needs and luxuries. I feel so secure, so happy, so at one!
Now, take a moment to make your own Don't Want and Do Want lists.
Try to come up with at least five items for each list.
Don't Wants
Do Wants
Here's what's happening to you now: The pain of what you DON'T want births the clarity of what you DO want!
Your Do Want list will become the map for your Inner Guidance System.
These are the beliefs you want to cultivate.
The next task is to begin to create a list of Next Actions based on your Do Want list.
Use your Next Actions List as a kind of buffet table to keep going back to each day. This will help you move in the direction of your goals steadily, in small steps. Those small steps create the momentum for your goals to come together in a more fun way! Just watch what happens!
Next Actions
Once you have clarity on the beliefs you choose to direct, you can begin to start taking actions that will allow that vision to become a reality, one small step at a time.
You have just laid the groundwork for the miracle of manifestation to occur.
Seeing and feeling you living a life of love, joy, peace, health, and prosperity!
Jeanna Gabellini, CPPC, Law of Attraction Expert, publishes the weekly ezine Designing Your MasterPeace.
If you're ready to attract more money, a growing business, and great relationships with fun and ease, get your FREE tips and tools now at MasterPeace Coaching
Look Your Best with a Good Night's Rest
Good Morning Cougar Ladies!
Have you awoken this morning rested, beautiful, vibrant and alive this morning? Or are you staring at the monster looking back at you from the bathroom mirror?
How ever you look this morning - I know it has a lot to do with how you slept last night.
So much of your performance and appearance depend on getting a good night's sleep.
Well, I got a good night sleep.
I feel great, and I look great this morning!
Let me share why...
I found a great product that is NOT hypnosis or one of those "sounds of nature" tapes. Instead, it combines two proven mental conditioning techniques in a unique audio format that has a remarkable track record for success. It breaks the chains of troubled sleep naturally by targeting and transforming the (usually subconscious) self-defeating thoughts, feelings, and beliefs that loom in your mind when you go to bed.
So if you're sick and tired of waking up feeling like you've been through an ultimate fighting match, "Tranquil Sleep Now" guarantees a full night's sleep every night.
No drugs.
No herbs.
No time investment.
No ongoing costs.
You'll love it.
This program is like an audio knockout pill that trains your mind to shut down on command so that you can fall asleep any time you want any where you want without any strain or effort.
And you know as well as I know - that getting a good night of sleep is imperative to keeping up our youthful energy, look and lifestyle!
Take advantage of this now before this special is over.
Check it out here - and claim 100 free bonus gifts, too!
(Incredibly motivational mp3's, access to teleseminars, etc... incredible value!)
To the best night's sleep of your life every night!
Grrrrr.... ;-)
August 17, 2008
Romantic Cougar Couples
Good Morning Cougar Ladies....
Aren't they amazing, radiant and beautiful? People who are not in the know, may think it is money, their star status, plastic surgery or any other numerous "excuses" for being so vibrant and alive - but we know where that glow comes from, and no... it's not the steamy evenings spent with our cuddly man-cubs!
No, that radiance comes from within - a deep knowing that we are exactly the women we want to be. The courageous souls who dare to live life to the fullest, and embrace each day full of joy!
Below I've collected some beautiful images of some powerful and beautiful May / December couples. You can see the love in the males eyes, and the radiant confidence in the women.
Remember ladies - a Cougar is not ONLY an older woman who prefers a younger man... A Cougar is a multi-faceted powerhouse who has embraced and lives fully in all of her feminine power.
That, my friend... is an incredibly beautiful thing!
I begin with my favorite image of John and Yoko... you can feel the love emanate from this image, can't you? We all deserve such devotion, attention and honoring.
Here's to a grrrreat day!